Maksim Chmerkovskiy told reporters on Tuesday that he may have verbally sparred with judge Carrie Ann Inaba during Monday’s installment of Dancing with the Stars but he “doesn’t have anything against Carrie Ann and she doesn’t have anything against me.”
At the end of Tuesday’s telecast, Inaba took a moment to announce how she respected all the pros – an obvious attempt to mend fences after she and Chmerkovskiy argued about how it took “four 8s” for him to begin his cha cha cha on Monday with Brandy. Chmerkovskiy tried to dismiss the comment by saying “relax, don’t worry about it” but Inaba quickly replied that ”Kurt did more dancing” so the two began to talk over one another. Brandy just stood there silent while patting her heart.
“I wasn’t looking for Carrie Ann’s apology,” Chmerkovskiy said after Tuesday’s show. “I think we all do our jobs. We are very passionate. We actually spoke when the credits rolled [Tuesday] so it was very pleasant, a very polite conversation. We are good. It’s not a grudge thing. I don’t have anything against Carrie Ann, she doesn’t have anything against me. She said what she said at the moment, and I responded like someone who has put in two and a half months in trying to make someone the best they can be. Whatever I thought, I thought, and we’re past it.
“My concern is that fans think I’m crazy and that I’m some kind of like attention hogging…whatever,” Chmerkovskiy added. “It’s not about me wanting to be in the spotlight. I want to be in the dark. I want Brandy to be in the spotlight. That was the whole point of yesterday.”
Brandy said she really didn’t know what to think of the argument. “I just wanted to stand by Maks and understand where he was coming from, which was from a good place of passion and defending me,” the actress told reporters. ”I want to win this for Maks because Maks has been to the finals so many times and he deserved to win. And he says, `baby, don’t win for me. Win for you!’ I’m like, ‘But I want to win for you, too, dude!”
“It’s actually funny,” Chmerkovskiy continued. “ Brandy says to me 10 times today, ‘I got your back!’ And I feel bad. That’s not supposed to be her job. It’s supposed to be my job to have her back. We’re actually a partnership. I don’t feel like I’m dancing with a student, I feel like I’m dancing with an equal partner.”
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